Acne, inflammations, reddenings, spots - these problems are familiar to many modern women. At times we spend years searching for the right decision. Expensive treatment and special procedures can be avoided, knowing the true reasons of diseases. opens the main secret of a healthy and beautiful skin!
Probably, there is no person who would be completely happy with his skin.
We go to beauty salons, do peelings and masks, use creams and lotions, but reach the desirable effect not always. What’s a secret of a healthy and young skin?
Why skin becomes “problem”?
I think, many heard that skin reflects condition of our thick intestines. But very few people knows, why.
Physicians using principles of acupuncture in practice can answer this question without effort.
In a human body there are power channels - so-called meridians. There are six of them. All processes in an organism are supervised by the energy which is passing on these meridians.
Energy is divided in 6 kinds: wind, warmth, heat, humidity, dryness and cold.
Each of energy moves on the meridians with the same name. For each meridian two internal bodies answer: one hollow and one parenchymal.
-Liver and bilious bubble answer for a wind power,
-Heart and thick intestines - for energy of warmth,
-Back and brain - heat,
-Spleen, pancreas and stomach - humidity,
-Lungs and thick intestines - dryness,
-Kidneys and bladder - colds.
Energy are responsible for development and functioning of various systems of an organism:
-Cold - for locomotor system,
-Dryness - for condition of skin, hair, nails and mucous,
-Humidity - for hypodermically-fatty cellulose, digestive system,
-Wind - for muscular system,
-Warmth - for cardiovascular system,
-Heat - for nervous system and sense organs.
It is curious that thick intestines and skin, for example, are regulated by one kind of energy.
Let’s not go deep further into principles of east medicine though, if to continue reasonings skin and thick intestines will appear very closely connected at power level.
And now we will look, what we eat: chips and Coca-Cola, canned food and products of long storage, fat, salty … And all this irritates our intestines mercilessly.
Allergy also has skin displays more often; it occurs because surpluses of superfluous energies leave our organism this way.
Except general recommendations to eat boiled or steamed food, try to use low-fat and oligohaline natural products, it is possible to struggle with skin problems by means of products reducing or increasing defined energy in an organism and skin.
Products and energy they stimulate
Wind - any greens, green apples and fruits, sour-milk products
Warmth - all piquant and burning: horse-radish, hot pepper, spices, etc., red vegetables and fruits
Heat - freshening tastes: such as soft drinks, vegetables, fresh fruits and berries which do not have expressed sweet, sour or knitting tastes, oranges, alcohol, orange vegetables and fruits
Humidity - all sweet, rich, flour, fat, milk, fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits of yellow colour
Dryness - all sharp, smoked, rice, cocoa, coffee soluble, products of brown colour
Cold - all salty, cold products, black vegetables, fruits, grain
How to eat correctly to struggle with a problem skin?
If skin is of green-bluish colour, there is an easy itch, twitching of muscles, spasms without pain or tics, it is necessary to limit products of a wind and pay attention to humidity products.
If skin is of pink-red colour, you feel sensation of heat in a body, there are inflammatory processes in muscles, limit heat products, increase use of products of dryness.
Brilliant, shining skin with good turgor, you feel sensation of spreading, burnings, hemangiomas, hypertrophy of muscles - refuse products of heat and use cold products.
If your skin is fat, porous, of yellowish colour, there are yellow pigmentary stains, sponginess, puffiness, proof itch, dull aches, bubbles, pustules, soft tumours, refuse from products of humidity and emphasise wind products.
If your skin is dry, shelled, pale, there are brown pigmentary stains, disturb acute pains, spasms with pain, cracks, dense tumours
- refuse products of dryness and use more products of heat.
At last, if your skin is rough, flabby, dark, there are sites with lowered pigmentation or its absence (or on the contrary: there are black pigmentary stains, sensation of cold, intolerable pains, ulcers or hems) - it is necessary to refuse products of cold and use heat products.
Do not forget this article contains only general recommendations.
For drawing up your food program depending on your power constitution, you should address to a Su Jock therapist.
At last it would be desirable to notice that we are what we eat. Eutrophy is a pledge of health and longevity.
Food is capable both to cure, and lead to illness. Pay attention to structure of products, buying them in shop.
Without saving on food, you can save much more on medicines, cosmetic means and beauty salons.
Listen to requirements of your organism - it will tell better than any doctor and dietician, what exactly it does not suffice at present.
In this connection it is not recommended to force a child eating what he does not want - a child’s organism itself will prompt what it needs for high-grade growth and development. Be healthy and beautiful, blossoming day by day!
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